Friday, October 30, 2009

RGL Studios - CLOSED

But hey... I will find a new free and good web-hostin site and re-open the studio ;-) and hopefully with new interface and new products and... and... anddddd....... :-D

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Heights of stupidity!!!!

In ma street.... Some JACKASS came to visit my neighbour....

Its not so clear with the pic... i found it difficult with the camera flash...... but...... u got the point right???

Good thing he dint park it facin the house.....

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Where is the C????

This is the FREAKIN REASON why my WPM came really down and I even LOST to ma sister in TypeRacer :-( But that's with a different laptop we raced and i was uncomfortable with that.. So...... :-D alright.. alright... I admit... She is equally fast.. But I still hold the record of 62 WPM ;-)

This is because of ma nephew Rishab (i use to call him 'bonda'). ONE QUICK BANG ON MA KEYBOARD AND UP COMES THE KEY....... (you get the picture huh?) And I cant fix it anymore.... Cos it came off along with all its supportin parts....
But the fair part is... I can still type the letter by pressing the 'round' thingy hard inside.... Hope i could find someone to get it fixed cheap :-p
Oh ya.... that's MY laptop btw :-D :-(

Monday, October 19, 2009

RGL Studios Closing it's Doors

Since the tie-up agreement period between RGL studios and Geocities is coming to an end by Oct 25, RGL Studios will be closed from 26.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

A Milestone!

Damn, how did i miss bloggin this....

YESSSSS, my first film to screen in theatre - 'Give him the THING'
SCREENED ON 14-10-2009 at Satyam Cinemas, Chennai

And im so happy that i got a huge applause and howlings from the audience.. esp at the end wen it shows 'A film by RAGHUL' :D and i felt like standin up from ma seat and shout like "Im that RAGHUL" :D
and the highlight is THE THEATRE WAS HOUSE-FULL

Met lotsa celebrities at the valedictory funtion... Balu mahendra, Oscar winner Resul Pookutty, Revathi who hosted the function,....

Here is the link to 'The Hindu' page where they talked about this festival..

Here is the Youtube link -
Watch it.. Do rate and comment..

PS: Im so happy for the response that i got from the crowd though i dint win the competition